Ways to Loose Fish

Catching fish and loosing fish go hand in hand. I might have even lost one or two myself. It seems like there are a million ways to do it too. From knots breaking to the fish throwing the hooks to having them jump out of your hand while you get your photo taken. That's the one I hate most. Bump your hand or have the boat rock and Plunk. They never seem to fall into the boat, unless they're small.
There is also another way, although it's not talked about much, unless it happens to you. Then it seems like it's all anyone remembers.
After moving to another spot while fishing about 3 years ago, Jim grabbed the fish basket and threw it back in the water. I thought good job. The only problem was, it wasn't tied on. Right down to the bottom. Me and Jim laughed, but Pat went bonkers. He went on and on and just couldn't understand how anyone could be so stupid.
Then 2 yrs. ago, we were out on the pontoon with our sisters. Again we went to another spot, Sue threw the fishbasket with our catch into the water. This one had a chain with a clasp on the end and looked like it was attached to the boat. But down it went. Again, Pat went nuts.
Last year guess what happened. Me and Pat were leaving the Ash River and stopped in Sullivan Bay to try one last spot before we went back. We had some nice rock bass and perch in our basket. He threw the basket over the side and GONE. Right away he wanted to start bitching at me, but, I wasn't having any of it. Then he could see how it could happen to someone. He started coming up with all these excuses about it looking like it was tied off and on and on. It was too. Atleast it was at the other spot. All he did was pull it in and we took off. Needless to say, we drifted away from where he threw it in, so we never found it.
They say that the 3rd time is the charm, but I'm a little hard headed. This year I'm getting a floating fishbasket. I saw them in the Bass Pro Shop catalogue and they're only about $14.00. It's worth it to me. 3 years in a row is a lesson even I can learn.
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